Maineville Lighthouse Church
The Annual
Turkey Dinner
of 2019
is over but
some craft Items
are still available
for purchase!
Call the Church
for details.
The Turkey Dinner at Maineville Lighthouse Church is well-known throughout the Village of Maineville and surrounding area. This is the largest fundraiser of the year by the church, and has been taking place for over 25 years. It helps to fund many improvement projects around the church campus, as well as benefit our mission in LaCroix, Haiti.
We offer a traditional Thanksgiving dinner such as you would serve at home, featuring the following tasty items:
Turkey (white and dark)
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
Cole Slaw
Lemonade / Water / Coffee
Homemade desserts made by members of our congregation
All of the above are included for one price (see below) - you know you won't be walking away from the table hungry!
If you want to enjoy our Turkey Dinner but can't stay to eat, you can always get it to go - just let one of our friendly cashiers know you'd like carry-out.
Pricing Information
General Admission: $10.00/per person
Seniors 62 and Over: $9.00/per person
Children 5 - 12: $5.00/per person
Price above includes full dinner, one dessert,
lemonade, water, and/or coffee.
No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.
Luke 8:16 (NIV)