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From Pastor's Desk for February 2025

Writer's picture: mainevillelighthousemainevillelighthouse

Lighthouse Family:

I want to share with you some theological views concerning the relationship between science and religion. We often note contradictions between science and the literal interpretation of Scripture. For example, for us a day is one revolution of the earth, but since God in omnitemporal what does it mean to him? Scientists tell us the earth is billions of years old, but some theologians count the age in thousands of years. How do we reconcile science and our faith in scripture? Admittedly this is a weighty subject but if we are armed with understanding we can defend our faith in God to those who want to prove us myth worshippers.

The possibilities are: (1) conflict, (2) independence, (3) dialogue, and (4) integration. They can be in dialogue or integration based on their analogical relationship which is defined by similarity and difference. While total agreement on everything between religion and science is not possible, God can transverse the chasms and minor discrepancies. Resurrection is itself not possible medically, but to God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26.

Other ways of viewing the relationship of religion and science are adjoining, one inside the other, separate, overlapping, distinct but mixed together, operating on different planes, and different sides of the same thing. Additional  models include natural Theology, compartmentalism, Bible only, science only, scientific Theology, complementarity, and new synthesis. Atheists view the universe as science only and many fundamentalists see it as Bible only. Compartmentalism is that both exist but separately. If you listen to various opinions on the nature of God and the universe he will hears one or more versions of this debate.

Science has a closed physical worldview with no room for the immaterial or spiritual. The Christian view is dual aspect monism for creation is both visible and invisible which  accounts for the supernatural. Science does not deal with spirit but only the physical and looks for physical laws not God’s order of the universe. God is a better explanation of the universe with more explanatory power. Science meets minimally the truth quest, freedom quest, love quest, and wholeness/fulfillment.

Religion and science are integrated, with religion focusing on the metaphysical and science on the physical. Science, while it can give a worldly explanation for many things cannot explain all. Even the Big Bang theory has no explanation for how physical matter and energy came into existence in the first place. I sometimes wonder why that does not deter those who depend on science alone. There cannot be an infinite regression.

One of the most fascinating arguments for the existence of an all-perfect God is the ontological argument. While there are several different versions of the argument, all purport to show that it is self-contradictory to deny that there exists a greatest possible being. Thus, on this general line of argument, it is a necessary truth that such a being exists.

Anselm of Canterbury’s proof of the existence of God is:

1.    God is, by definition, a being than which none greater can be conceived.

2.    God exists as an idea in the mind.

3.    A being that exists as an idea both in the mind and in reality is greater than a being that exists only as an idea in the mind.

4.    Thus, if God exists only as an idea in the mind, then we can imagine something that is greater than God (a greatest possible being that also exists).

5.    We cannot imagine something that is greater than God.

6.    Therefore, God exists.


We do not need science to believe in God, but science exists because of God and according to his laws. He is omnipotent and can suspend the laws of nature in any manner and at any time he chooses.

My intent in this month’s newsletter is explore a deeper understanding of the nature of God. If you find it interesting or useful I can continue to focus the letters on such topics. I encourage you to research some of the ideas and words used. Also, I would be happy to meet with anyone who wishes to discuss it further.

God Bless,

Pastor Eric

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