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From the Pastor

May 2024

Lighthouse Family:


Praise be to God we are growing, and we are developing innovative ideas to grow even more. God is with us as we evangelize to make Disciples of the World.


Arlene and Gary are doing a terrific job of leading our committee. They plan events and tee shirts as well as classes for those new to Maineville Lighthouse Church, Global Methodism, and the Good News of Jesus Christ. Please pitch in.


Outside, David Leever, has started new landscaping with an idea to add a gathering place in the backyard of the parish house. Angie Farina acquired a playset from a friend which will be erected soon. Denise Gracia is maintaining our sign; she is doing a wonderful job.


We continue the work inside, of course. We have a new table for the Beginners Class with the old chairs being redone to match. There are many other projects yet to be started. Even if you cannot do any of the tasks involved, we have a special fund to pay for these improvements.


We also continue our missions, a vital part of servicing Christ. Debbie Leever has managed these missions for many years and continues her stellar performance. I mention a few people here, but I do not mean to exclude everyone else such as our Choir and the Smiths who do more than I can list. Leaders of our Bible Studies are in the front lines, Jodi Anderson, and Doug Moore. Virgil is our new security officer and will see to our safety. Our childcare workers and Sunday School teachers are also worthy of praise. Tracy Walker is Secretary to the Ad Council and the Newsletter editor among many other functions.


I will continue to preach the Gospel and Scripture exclusively. We are about Salvation through Our Lord Jesus Christ. We receive Grace through Faith Alone. “Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring—not only to those who are of the law but also to those who have the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all.” Romans 4:16 There is no other path to heaven than Him. We should aid each other in our walk with Jesus. No one can do it alone. The Church is our Sanctuary and our Home. Our services will always be “God Focused.”


Spring is here and God’s Glory surrounds us. “The LORD has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.” Psalm 118:24. May you be blessed with the Holy Spirit and abide in God’s Love.


God Bless,

Pastor Eric and Debbie

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